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IOM MBBS Entrance Exam Syllabus

MBBS Entrance Exam Syllabus by IOM (Nepal)

MBBS Entrance Exam Syllabus by IOM (Nepal)

Format and syllabus for the MBBS ENtrance Exam by IOM is being listed as follows


Group (A) Botany

  1. Introduction to biology

1.1Scope of biology, fields of biology, life processes
1.2Biomolecules (macromolecules & micromolecules)
1.3.1   Two kingdom and five kingdoms system of classification
1.3.2   Binomial/trinomial nomenclature
1.4.     Structure, types and economic importance of virus, bacteria and lichens

  1. Biodiversity

2.1Structure and life cycle of Spirogyra, Nostoc, Marchantia, Dryopteris, Cycas and Pinus
2.2Floral diversity of Nepal
2.3Forest conservation
2.4      Types of forest of Nepal & their management

  1. Morphology

3.1Distributation, habitat, habit, root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit and seeds of families “ Brassicaceae, Solanaceae, Papilionoidae, Asteraceae and Poaceae
3.2Taxonomy and economic importance of families given above

  1. Cytogenetics

4.1.1   Introduction, structure and functions of prokaryotic and eukarotic cells
4.1.2   Cell division “ amitosis, mitosis and meiosis
4.2.1   Introduction, Mendelism, Genetic material ( DNA & RNA), Mutation

  1. Anatomy and physiology

5.1.1   Types of tissues (meristematic, permanent and special types of tissues)
5.1.2   Internal structure of dicot and monocot leaf, stem and root
5.2.1   Water relation “ osmois, diffusion, anscent of sap and transpiration
5.2.2   Photosynthesis “ mechanism and factors
5.2.3   Respiration “ anaerobic and aerobic
5.2.4   Hormones “ physiological effects of auxins, gibberllin, cytokinin and abscisic acid

  1. Ecology

6.1Introduction, ecosystem (pond & grassland)
6.2Biogeochemical cycle “ nitrogen and carbon
6.3Ecological imbalance and its consequences “ green house effects, acid rain , depletion of ozone layer

  1. Developmental biology

7.1Reproduction “ vegetative propogation, sporogenesis, gametogenesis
7.2Pollination, fertilization

  1. Application of biology

8.1Introduction to biotechnology, tissue culture, concept of breeding techniques, disease resistant plants, biofertilizers, perticides
8.2Genetic engineering and its application
8.3Fermentation technology “ alcoholic, antibiotics, organic acids
Group (B) Zoology

  1. Biodiversity

1.1Kingdom “ Protista “ general characters and classification of Phylum – Protozoa upto classes with eamples
1.2Paramecium caudatum “ distributation, habitat, habit, structure and reproduction
1.3Kingdom “ Animalia “ general characters and classification of Phyla “ Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Nemathelminthes Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata and Chordata upto clases with examples.
1.4Faunal diversity of Nepal

  1. Anatomy and type study

2.1Animal tissues “ epithelial, connective, muscular and nervous, their structure, types, location and function
2.2Earthworm and forg “ distrubutation, habitat, habit, external feature, digestive system, respiratory system, excretory system, circulatory system, nervous system, reproductive system and economic importance.

  1. Human/rabbit physiology

3.1Digestive system “ alimentary canal, associated glands and physiology of digestion
3.2Respiratory system “ lungs, mechanism of breathing, physiology of respiration
3.3Escretory system “ kidney, urine formation, osmoregulation and homoeostaisis

  1. 4     Circulatory system “ heart, working of heart, blood groups, blood prssure, arterial and venous system

3.5Reproductive system “ male and female reproductive orgnas, associated glands, menstrual cycle.
3.6Nervous system “ CNS (Brain and spinal cord), PNS and ANS
3.7Endocrine system “ pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, pancreas

  1. Developmental biology

4.1Gametogenesis “ spermatogenesis, oogenesis
4.2Fertilization, cleavage
4.3Morulation, blastulation, gastrulation and neurulation
4.4Coelom formation
4.5Fate of three primary germinal layers

  1. Origin and evolution

5.1Evolution “ inorganic, organic
5.2Inorganic evolution “ origin of life, Oparin “ Haldanes theory, Miller “ Urey experiment
5.3Organic evolution “ evidences of organic evolution
5.4Lamarckism, Darwinism, Neo-Darwinism
5.5Human evolution

  1. Environmental relations

6.1Environmental pollution “ air and water, sources, effects and control measures
6.2Migratory behavior of fishes and birds
6.3Adaptation in amimals “ aquatic, terrestrial, aerial
6.4Conservaton of wild life, wild life reserves, national parks, natural resources
6.5Protection of the earth “ human responsibility
6.6Human population growth “ consequences of over population, control measures

  1. Diseases

7.1Smoking, alcoholism, drug abuse – symptoms, impact on health and society, rehabilitation, control
7.2Malaria, ascariaris, typhoid, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS – mode of trammission, symptoms, control
7.3Cancer – types, symptoms, control

  1. Medical technology and economic zoology

8.1Test tube baby
8.3Tissue and organ transplantation “ skin, cornea, kidney, blood transfusion
8.4Animal breeding
8.5Fish farming, poultry farming
8.6Antibiotics and vaccines

  1. Language of Chemistry and Chemical Arithmetic

1.1Language of Chemistry
1.1.1   Symbols and formulae “ atom, molecules, elements and compounds
1.2Chemical Arithmetic
1.2.1   Dalton’s atomic theory and Laws of Stoichemistry: Postulates of Dalton’s atomic theory, Law of conservation of mass, Law of constant proportions, Law of multiple proportion, Law of reciprocal proportion, Law of gaseous volumes, Chemical calculations based on stoichiometry
1.3Atomic Mass and Molecular Mass:
1.3.1   Definition, Mole concept, Calculation
1.4Empirical, Molecular Formula and Limiting Reactants:
1.4.1   Derivation of empirical and molecular formula, chemical calculations
1.5Avogadro’s Hypothesis and its applications:
1.5.1   Development, definition, application and deduction
1.6.     Equivalent Masses:
1.6.1   Concept, Gram equivalent weight (GEW), relation and determination of equivalent mass

  1. States of Matter

2.1Gaseous State
2.1.1   Boyle’s law, Charles law, Daltons law and Grahams law
2.2Liquid State
2.2.1   Physical properties, Evaporation and condensation
2.2.2   Surface tension, Viscosity, Solution and solubility
2.3Solid State:
2.3.1   Crystalline and amorphous solids, Water of crystallization
2.3.2   Efflorescence, Deliquesces, Hygroscopic, Seven types of crystal system, Simple cubic, face centered and body centered

  1. Atomic structure and Electronic theory of valency

3.1Discovery, concept, Rutherfords expt., Bohrs model
3.2de-Broglie equation, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, Probability concept, Quantum numbers
3.3Pauli’s exclustion  principle, Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity, Aufbau principle and Bohr Bury rule, Octet rule

  1. Periodic Classification of Elements

4.1Mendeleev’s periodic law and periodic table, Anomalies
4.2Modern periodic law and modern periodic table, Advantage

  1. Oxidation and Reduction

5.1Classical concept, Electronic interpretation, Oxidation number
5.2Oxidising and reducing agent, Redox reaction

  1. Non-metals

1.1Water, Ammonia, carbon, sulphur, Hydrogen sulphide, Sulphur dioxide, Sulphuric acid
1.2Environmental Pollution – Air pollution, photochemical smog, Acid rain, water pollution, Green house effect

  1. Metal and Metallurgical Principles

2.1Characteristics of metals, non-metals, metalloids, Minerals, ores and Metallurgical process
2.2Calcinations, roasting, smelting
2.3.     Carbon reduction process, Thermite process, electrochemical reduction, Refining of metals: poling, electro-refinement
2.4Important minerals deposit in Nepal

  1. Introduction to Organic Chemistry

1.1Fundamental Principles, Nomenclature, Structure and Isomerism of Organic Compounds
1.2Preliminary Idea of Reaction Mechanism

  1. Chemical Bonding and Shape of Molecules

2.1Hybridization and Valence shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) theory  Valence shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) theory
2.2Prediction of molecular geometry (Shape of molecules) on the basis of VSEPR and hybridization.(BeF2­, BF3, NH3, H2O, CH4, H2O, C2H2 C2H4 H2S)

  1. Volumetric Analysis

3.1Different ways of expressing the concentration of solutions
3.3Standard substances and solutions (primary, secondary), Point (end, equivalence, neutral), indicators

  1. Ionic Equilibrium

4.1Ionization of water and weak electrolyte (Ostwald’s dilution law), Degree of ionization and ionization constant
4.2Acid base concept (Arrhenius, Bronsted Lowrry and Lewis)
4.3.     Hydrolysis of salts, Solubility product principle and its application, Common ion effects and its application
4.4.     Application of solubility product principle in qualitative analysis, Buffer Solution

  1. Alcohols and Phenols

5.1.1   Introduction, classification, nomenclature, isomerism, types, preparation (Lab and industrial) and properties
5.2.1   Introduction, Preparation, Properties, test and uses

  1. Aldehydes and Ketones

6.1Aliphatic Aldehydes and Ketones
6.1.1   Introduction, structure, nomenclature, isomerism, preparation, properties, test and uses
6.2Aromatic Aldehydes and Ketones
6.2.1   Preparation, properties, important reactions

  1. Molecules of Life

7.1definition, classification, structure, isomerism, properties, functions and significance of carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, Nucleic acids and Enzymes

  1. Chemistry in Service to Mankind

8.1Polymer – definition, natural and synthetic polymers, homopolymers and co-polymers, preparation of some polymers, PVC, polyethene, polystyrene, Teflon, Nylon-66, Bakelite and their uses
8.2Dyes and drugs – definition, natural and synthetic dyes, names and structure of some common drug, drug addiction
8.3Fertilizer – definition, chemical and organic fertilizers, nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer, fertilizer as pollutant
8.4Pesticides – insecticides, herbicides, weedicides and fungicides (examples and their uses).

  1. Mechanics

1.1General concept of physical quantities
1.2Vector algebra
1.3Laws of Motion, Application of Newtons laws
1.4      Work, Energy and Power
1.5Projectile motion
1.6Circular Motion, Motion round a banked track and in vertical circle
1.7Newtons laws of gravitation, Variation of Ëœg with altitude and depth, Satellites, Gravitational potential energy, Escape velocity, Black holes
1.8Elasticity, Hookes law, Young modulus, Bulk modulus, Elastic potential energy
1.9Oscillatory motion, Simple harmonic motions, Damped oscillation, Forced oscillation and resonance
1.10    General concept of surface tension and viscosity

  1. Heat and Thermodynamics

2.1Concept of heat and temperature, Expansion of solid and liquid, Specific heat capacity, specific heat capacity of solid, Specific latent heat of fusion and its  measurements
2.2Thermal conductivity and its determination by Searles method, Black body radiation, Stefan-Boltzmann law
2.3Thermodynamic systems, First law of thermodynamics, Heat capacities of ideal gas at constant pressure and constant volume and relation between them, Isothermal and adiabatic processes for an ideal gas, Second law of thermodynamics
2.4Hygrometry – Relative and absolute humidity, phase diagram and triple point

  1. Waves and Optics

3.1Reflection & Refraction of light, Refractive index, Lateral shift, Minimum deviation through prism, Relation between angle of prism, minimum deviation and refractive index, Lenses, Combination of thin lenses in contact
3.2Dispersion, Dispersive power, Achromatic lenses, Scattering of light, blue color of the sky
3.3Optical instruments, Angular magnification, Compound microscope, Astronomical Telescope
3.4Longitudinal and transverse waves, Progressive and stationary waves, Velocity of sound in medium, Laplaces correction, Stationary waves in closed and open pipes, Harmonics and overtones in closed and open organ pipes, Resonance tube experiment, Laws of transverse vibration of a stretched string
3.5Characteristics of sound, Intensity, loudness, quality and pitch, Beats, Dopplers effect, Infrasonic and ultrasonic waves
3.6Physical optics, Wave theory of light, Interference, Diffraction and Polarization, Coherent sources, Youngs double slit experiment, Diffraction grating, Brewsters law

  1. Electricity and Magnetism

4.1Coulombs law – Force due to point charges, Gauss law and its applications: Field of a charged sphere, Line charge; Potential due to a point charge, Electron volt, Capacitance of a  capacitor, Parallel plate capacitor, Combination of capacitors
4.2Electric Currents, Drift velocity and its relation with current, Ohmic and Non-Ohmic resistance, Resistances in series and parallel, Electromotive force of a source, Internal resistance, Work and power in electrical circuits, Kirchhoffs laws, Wheatstone Bridge circuit, Meter Bridge, Potentiometer
4.3Magnetic field lines and magnetic flux, Force on moving charge, Force on conductor, Force and torque on rectangular coil, Amperes law and its application to i) a long straight conductor ii) a straight solenoid, Faradays laws of electromagnetic induction, Lenzs law
4.4AC through resistor, capacitor and inductor, Series circuits containing combination of resistor, capacitor and inductor, Series resonance, Choke coil

  1. Modern Physics

5.1Electrons: Millikans oil drop experiment, Cathode rays and their properties; Motion of electron beam in electric and magnetic fields, Thomsons experiment to determine specific charge of electrons
5.2Quantum nature of radiation, Einsteins photoelectric equation, Stopping potential
5.3Intrinsic and extrinsic semi-conductors, P-N Junction diode, Forward and reverse bias, Rectification, Zener diode
5.4Bohrs theory of hydrogen atom, Spectral series, Excitation and ionization potentials, Energy level, de Broglie Theory, Duality, Uncertainly principle
5.5Lasers – Properties and uses, X-rays: Production, properties and uses
5.6Basic concepts of nucleus, Mass Defect and amu, Einsteins mass-energy relation, Binding energy, Fission and fusion, Alpha-particles, Beta-particles, Gamma rays, Laws of radioactive disintegration, Half-life and decay constant, Health hazards and safety precautions
MBBS Entrance Exam Syllabus by IOM (Nepal)
Group (A) Botany

  1. Introduction to biology

1.1Scope of biology, fields of biology, life processes
1.2Biomolecules (macromolecules & micromolecules)
1.3.1   Two kingdom and five kingdoms system of classification
1.3.2   Binomial/trinomial nomenclature
1.4.     Structure, types and economic importance of virus, bacteria and lichens

  1. Biodiversity

2.1Structure and life cycle of Spirogyra, Nostoc, Marchantia, Dryopteris, Cycas and Pinus
2.2Floral diversity of Nepal
2.3Forest conservation
2.4      Types of forest of Nepal & their management

  1. Morphology

3.1Distributation, habitat, habit, root, stem, leaf, flower, fruit and seeds of families “ Brassicaceae, Solanaceae, Papilionoidae, Asteraceae and Poaceae
3.2Taxonomy and economic importance of families given above

  1. Cytogenetics

4.1.1   Introduction, structure and functions of prokaryotic and eukarotic cells
4.1.2   Cell division “ amitosis, mitosis and meiosis
4.2.1   Introduction, Mendelism, Genetic material ( DNA & RNA), Mutation

  1. Anatomy and physiology

5.1.1   Types of tissues (meristematic, permanent and special types of tissues)
5.1.2   Internal structure of dicot and monocot leaf, stem and root
5.2.1   Water relation “ osmois, diffusion, anscent of sap and transpiration
5.2.2   Photosynthesis “ mechanism and factors
5.2.3   Respiration “ anaerobic and aerobic
5.2.4   Hormones “ physiological effects of auxins, gibberllin, cytokinin and abscisic acid

  1. Ecology

6.1Introduction, ecosystem (pond & grassland)
6.2Biogeochemical cycle “ nitrogen and carbon
6.3Ecological imbalance and its consequences “ green house effects, acid rain , depletion of ozone layer

  1. Developmental biology

7.1Reproduction “ vegetative propogation, sporogenesis, gametogenesis
7.2Pollination, fertilization

  1. Application of biology

8.1Introduction to biotechnology, tissue culture, concept of breeding techniques, disease resistant plants, biofertilizers, perticides
8.2Genetic engineering and its application
8.3Fermentation technology “ alcoholic, antibiotics, organic acids
Group (B) Zoology

  1. Biodiversity

1.1Kingdom “ Protista “ general characters and classification of Phylum – Protozoa upto classes with eamples
1.2Paramecium caudatum “ distributation, habitat, habit, structure and reproduction
1.3Kingdom “ Animalia “ general characters and classification of Phyla “ Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Nemathelminthes Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata and Chordata upto clases with examples.
1.4Faunal diversity of Nepal

  1. Anatomy and type study

2.1Animal tissues “ epithelial, connective, muscular and nervous, their structure, types, location and function
2.2Earthworm and forg “ distrubutation, habitat, habit, external feature, digestive system, respiratory system, excretory system, circulatory system, nervous system, reproductive system and economic importance.

  1. Human/rabbit physiology

3.1Digestive system “ alimentary canal, associated glands and physiology of digestion
3.2Respiratory system “ lungs, mechanism of breathing, physiology of respiration
3.3Escretory system “ kidney, urine formation, osmoregulation and homoeostaisis

  1. 4     Circulatory system “ heart, working of heart, blood groups, blood prssure, arterial and venous system

3.5Reproductive system “ male and female reproductive orgnas, associated glands, menstrual cycle.
3.6Nervous system “ CNS (Brain and spinal cord), PNS and ANS
3.7Endocrine system “ pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, pancreas

  1. Developmental biology

4.1Gametogenesis “ spermatogenesis, oogenesis
4.2Fertilization, cleavage
4.3Morulation, blastulation, gastrulation and neurulation
4.4Coelom formation
4.5Fate of three primary germinal layers

  1. Origin and evolution

5.1Evolution “ inorganic, organic
5.2Inorganic evolution “ origin of life, Oparin “ Haldanes theory, Miller “ Urey experiment
5.3Organic evolution “ evidences of organic evolution
5.4Lamarckism, Darwinism, Neo-Darwinism
5.5Human evolution

  1. Environmental relations

6.1Environmental pollution “ air and water, sources, effects and control measures
6.2Migratory behavior of fishes and birds
6.3Adaptation in amimals “ aquatic, terrestrial, aerial
6.4Conservaton of wild life, wild life reserves, national parks, natural resources
6.5Protection of the earth “ human responsibility
6.6Human population growth “ consequences of over population, control measures

  1. Diseases

7.1Smoking, alcoholism, drug abuse – symptoms, impact on health and society, rehabilitation, control
7.2Malaria, ascariaris, typhoid, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS – mode of trammission, symptoms, control
7.3Cancer – types, symptoms, control

  1. Medical technology and economic zoology

8.1Test tube baby
8.3Tissue and organ transplantation “ skin, cornea, kidney, blood transfusion
8.4Animal breeding
8.5Fish farming, poultry farming
8.6Antibiotics and vaccines

  1. Language of Chemistry and Chemical Arithmetic

1.1Language of Chemistry
1.1.1   Symbols and formulae “ atom, molecules, elements and compounds
1.2Chemical Arithmetic
1.2.1   Dalton’s atomic theory and Laws of Stoichemistry: Postulates of Dalton’s atomic theory, Law of conservation of mass, Law of constant proportions, Law of multiple proportion, Law of reciprocal proportion, Law of gaseous volumes, Chemical calculations based on stoichiometry
1.3Atomic Mass and Molecular Mass:
1.3.1   Definition, Mole concept, Calculation
1.4Empirical, Molecular Formula and Limiting Reactants:
1.4.1   Derivation of empirical and molecular formula, chemical calculations
1.5Avogadro’s Hypothesis and its applications:
1.5.1   Development, definition, application and deduction
1.6.     Equivalent Masses:
1.6.1   Concept, Gram equivalent weight (GEW), relation and determination of equivalent mass

  1. States of Matter

2.1Gaseous State
2.1.1   Boyle’s law, Charles law, Daltons law and Grahams law
2.2Liquid State
2.2.1   Physical properties, Evaporation and condensation
2.2.2   Surface tension, Viscosity, Solution and solubility
2.3Solid State:
2.3.1   Crystalline and amorphous solids, Water of crystallization
2.3.2   Efflorescence, Deliquesces, Hygroscopic, Seven types of crystal system, Simple cubic, face centered and body centered

  1. Atomic structure and Electronic theory of valency

3.1Discovery, concept, Rutherfords expt., Bohrs model
3.2de-Broglie equation, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, Probability concept, Quantum numbers
3.3Pauli’s exclustion  principle, Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity, Aufbau principle and Bohr Bury rule, Octet rule

  1. Periodic Classification of Elements

4.1Mendeleev’s periodic law and periodic table, Anomalies
4.2Modern periodic law and modern periodic table, Advantage

  1. Oxidation and Reduction

5.1Classical concept, Electronic interpretation, Oxidation number
5.2Oxidising and reducing agent, Redox reaction

  1. Non-metals

1.1Water, Ammonia, carbon, sulphur, Hydrogen sulphide, Sulphur dioxide, Sulphuric acid
1.2Environmental Pollution – Air pollution, photochemical smog, Acid rain, water pollution, Green house effect

  1. Metal and Metallurgical Principles

2.1Characteristics of metals, non-metals, metalloids, Minerals, ores and Metallurgical process
2.2Calcinations, roasting, smelting
2.3.     Carbon reduction process, Thermite process, electrochemical reduction, Refining of metals: poling, electro-refinement
2.4Important minerals deposit in Nepal

  1. Introduction to Organic Chemistry

1.1Fundamental Principles, Nomenclature, Structure and Isomerism of Organic Compounds
1.2Preliminary Idea of Reaction Mechanism

  1. Chemical Bonding and Shape of Molecules

2.1Hybridization and Valence shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) theory  Valence shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) theory
2.2Prediction of molecular geometry (Shape of molecules) on the basis of VSEPR and hybridization.(BeF2­, BF3, NH3, H2O, CH4, H2O, C2H2 C2H4 H2S)

  1. Volumetric Analysis

3.1Different ways of expressing the concentration of solutions
3.3Standard substances and solutions (primary, secondary), Point (end, equivalence, neutral), indicators

  1. Ionic Equilibrium

4.1Ionization of water and weak electrolyte (Ostwald’s dilution law), Degree of ionization and ionization constant
4.2Acid base concept (Arrhenius, Bronsted Lowrry and Lewis)
4.3.     Hydrolysis of salts, Solubility product principle and its application, Common ion effects and its application
4.4.     Application of solubility product principle in qualitative analysis, Buffer Solution

  1. Alcohols and Phenols

5.1.1   Introduction, classification, nomenclature, isomerism, types, preparation (Lab and industrial) and properties
5.2.1   Introduction, Preparation, Properties, test and uses

  1. Aldehydes and Ketones

6.1Aliphatic Aldehydes and Ketones
6.1.1   Introduction, structure, nomenclature, isomerism, preparation, properties, test and uses
6.2Aromatic Aldehydes and Ketones
6.2.1   Preparation, properties, important reactions

  1. Molecules of Life

7.1definition, classification, structure, isomerism, properties, functions and significance of carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, Nucleic acids and Enzymes

  1. Chemistry in Service to Mankind

8.1Polymer – definition, natural and synthetic polymers, homopolymers and co-polymers, preparation of some polymers, PVC, polyethene, polystyrene, Teflon, Nylon-66, Bakelite and their uses
8.2Dyes and drugs – definition, natural and synthetic dyes, names and structure of some common drug, drug addiction
8.3Fertilizer – definition, chemical and organic fertilizers, nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer, fertilizer as pollutant
8.4Pesticides – insecticides, herbicides, weedicides and fungicides (examples and their uses).

  1. Mechanics

1.1General concept of physical quantities
1.2Vector algebra
1.3Laws of Motion, Application of Newtons laws
1.4      Work, Energy and Power
1.5Projectile motion
1.6Circular Motion, Motion round a banked track and in vertical circle
1.7Newtons laws of gravitation, Variation of Ëœg with altitude and depth, Satellites, Gravitational potential energy, Escape velocity, Black holes
1.8Elasticity, Hookes law, Young modulus, Bulk modulus, Elastic potential energy
1.9Oscillatory motion, Simple harmonic motions, Damped oscillation, Forced oscillation and resonance
1.10    General concept of surface tension and viscosity

  1. Heat and Thermodynamics

2.1Concept of heat and temperature, Expansion of solid and liquid, Specific heat capacity, specific heat capacity of solid, Specific latent heat of fusion and its  measurements
2.2Thermal conductivity and its determination by Searles method, Black body radiation, Stefan-Boltzmann law
2.3Thermodynamic systems, First law of thermodynamics, Heat capacities of ideal gas at constant pressure and constant volume and relation between them, Isothermal and adiabatic processes for an ideal gas, Second law of thermodynamics
2.4Hygrometry – Relative and absolute humidity, phase diagram and triple point

  1. Waves and Optics

3.1Reflection & Refraction of light, Refractive index, Lateral shift, Minimum deviation through prism, Relation between angle of prism, minimum deviation and refractive index, Lenses, Combination of thin lenses in contact
3.2Dispersion, Dispersive power, Achromatic lenses, Scattering of light, blue color of the sky
3.3Optical instruments, Angular magnification, Compound microscope, Astronomical Telescope
3.4Longitudinal and transverse waves, Progressive and stationary waves, Velocity of sound in medium, Laplaces correction, Stationary waves in closed and open pipes, Harmonics and overtones in closed and open organ pipes, Resonance tube experiment, Laws of transverse vibration of a stretched string
3.5Characteristics of sound, Intensity, loudness, quality and pitch, Beats, Dopplers effect, Infrasonic and ultrasonic waves
3.6Physical optics, Wave theory of light, Interference, Diffraction and Polarization, Coherent sources, Youngs double slit experiment, Diffraction grating, Brewsters law

  1. Electricity and Magnetism

4.1Coulombs law – Force due to point charges, Gauss law and its applications: Field of a charged sphere, Line charge; Potential due to a point charge, Electron volt, Capacitance of a  capacitor, Parallel plate capacitor, Combination of capacitors
4.2Electric Currents, Drift velocity and its relation with current, Ohmic and Non-Ohmic resistance, Resistances in series and parallel, Electromotive force of a source, Internal resistance, Work and power in electrical circuits, Kirchhoffs laws, Wheatstone Bridge circuit, Meter Bridge, Potentiometer
4.3Magnetic field lines and magnetic flux, Force on moving charge, Force on conductor, Force and torque on rectangular coil, Amperes law and its application to i) a long straight conductor ii) a straight solenoid, Faradays laws of electromagnetic induction, Lenzs law
4.4AC through resistor, capacitor and inductor, Series circuits containing combination of resistor, capacitor and inductor, Series resonance, Choke coil

  1. Modern Physics

5.1Electrons: Millikans oil drop experiment, Cathode rays and their properties; Motion of electron beam in electric and magnetic fields, Thomsons experiment to determine specific charge of electrons
5.2Quantum nature of radiation, Einsteins photoelectric equation, Stopping potential
5.3Intrinsic and extrinsic semi-conductors, P-N Junction diode, Forward and reverse bias, Rectification, Zener diode
5.4Bohrs theory of hydrogen atom, Spectral series, Excitation and ionization potentials, Energy level, de Broglie Theory, Duality, Uncertainly principle
5.5Lasers – Properties and uses, X-rays: Production, properties and uses
5.6Basic concepts of nucleus, Mass Defect and amu, Einsteins mass-energy relation, Binding energy, Fission and fusion, Alpha-particles, Beta-particles, Gamma rays, Laws of radioactive disintegration, Half-life and decay constant, Health hazards and safety precautions



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