Maharajgunj nursing Campus had opened the teachers job vacancy recently. interested, eligible and qualified nursing degree with the experienced are encouraged to apply for the nursing teachers job at the campus
Maharajgunj Nursing Campus is TU - Teaching University affiliated nursing college in Nepal which has been running through nursing colleges in different levels.
Nursing Teachers Jobs at Maharajgunj Nursing Campus
Following jobs are opened at the Maharajgunj Nursing Campus
- Community Health Nursing
- Adult Health Nursing
- Psychaitric Health Nursing
How to apply for the nursing teachers jobs at TU?
Interested candidate can apply to the administration office of the college within the 21 days of notice production. The date of notice production for the nursing teachers jobs at Maharajgunj campus is 2081-1-13..
Maharajgunj Nursing Campus teachers jobs vacancy notice
to apply for the nursing teachers jobs for the TU affiliated you can go for the details in following notice