Based on the agreement received from the Public Service Commission, PAHS (Patan Academy of Health Sciences ) has opened the following positions in the academic, technical, and administrative services at Patan Academy of Health Sciences through open and inclusive competition.
who are eligible for the PAHS jobs
The Eligible Nepali citizens for PAHS job as per as of 2081/03/27 BS is listed as follows
- 21 years of age for official positions
- 18 years of age for assistant positions,
- not exceeding 42 years for assistant professor positions in the academic service,
- 45 years for associate professor positions,
- 40 years of technical service, and
- 35 years of administrative service
How to apply for PAHs jobs?
You can apply online by 2081/03/27 BS, and by 2081/04/03 BS with double the fee.
Online applications can be submitted to PAHS official website
here is PAHS jobs notice for the various academic positions